Educational Programmes
Bush Skills Programme
Forest Schooling/Safety in the Bush/Damper/Fire making/Survival skills
An interactive programme that looks at various aspects of how we can look after ourselves in the bush enviroment. Fun and practical - from how to start a fire with flint and steel - through to baking your own damper bread.

Pirongia - Our Maunga
Ecology/Stream Studies/Guided Walks/Bug Studies/Pests
Delivered by EOTC Tutors, fun and interactive half or full day programmes. This programme looks at who lives on our Mountain, their habitats, and how we can protect them.
Using identification books and with the aid of electronic microscopes, we can offer an up close and personal experience with some of the creatures that live on our Maunga.

Creative Arts
Working with EOTC Tutors and Local Print Makers, identifying and printing Native Plants, creating beautiful artwork. Learn the skills of print making.
Raranga - flax weaving - an introduction to weaving.